Friday, 16 October 2009

Coke Zero Launches Doppelganger Finder Facebook App

The Coca-Cola advertising gurus who developed the humorous and creative Coke Zero conspiracy duo are attempting to bring an interactive version of that successful campaign to Facebook. The Coke Zero facial profile app seeks to answer the question, "If Coke Zero has Coke's taste, is it possible someone out there has your face?"

The app scans your Facebook photos and attempts to match similar faces throughout the social network. Although you can currently join, invite friends, and have the app scan your photos, it isn't yet showing anyone's digital twins. Once the database reaches a critical mass (It's currently 22-percent full (as of this writing), and is telling people to check back later.), the app will begin matching users. Hopefully, the app, which intends to "connect people by how they look like each other," won't create a rift in the space-time continuum.

So, out of concern for the preservation of humanity, be incredibly careful if you use the app. If you happen to be clean shaven and the app finds your goateed doppelganger, he's definitely your evil twin and needs to be avoided at all costs -- unless you want to destroy the universe and life as we know it.